Photo of Richard Gage and his 3 associates
Top Vaccine Injury Attorney
in the entire United States
Serving Clients Nation-Wide
1815 Pebrican Ave
Cheyenne, Wyoming  82001
Phone:  (307) 433−8864,

When a vaccine injury attacks
And turns your life upside-down…

You need help …


Vaccination Injury Lawyers…
Here When You Need Us

No vaccine-injury lawyer in the entire United States has more experience handling vaccine-injury cases successfully than Richard Gage.

If you need help from a vaccine-injury attorney who is a nationally recognized specialist and also wins his cases, you've come to the right place.

Do You Suspect A Vaccination Injury?

Compensation is available, and we have the knowledge, experience, and skill to help you get it.

The law-practice group at Richard Gage, P.C. represents people who have suffered vaccination injuries — who are seeking financial compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, also commonly called the NVICP or VICP.

  • Has your loved one suffered a vaccine injury?
  • Have you seen a change in your child’s mental or physical development after a vaccination?

If you've encountered either of these, you've arrived at the right place to get help.

The law firm of Richard Gage, P.C. has been representing vaccine-injured clients throughout the United States for more than a quarter-century.

If you believe your loved-one suffered a vaccine injury, you should contact us immediately because there are strictly enforced deadlines for filing claims, and some of the filing deadlines in this federal compensation program are very short.

Awards from this program will pay for past and future medical and rehabilitation expenses for your loved-one. They will also pay for pain and suffering, and lost wages.

Others also eligible to apply for vaccine-injury compensation include:

  • Service members and United States government employees, and their families, who are serving overseas,
  • Seniors who have suffered injuries from flu vaccine and other vaccines, and
  • Anyone else who suffered an injury from a covered vaccine received in any state or US territory.

Why Choose Richard Gage and Associates?

One simple reason: We know what we're doing. Obtaining compensation for a vaccine injury is a complex, sometimes extremely difficult process. The vaccine-litigation-group professionals at Richard Gage, P.C. are vaccine-injury specialists.

During more than the last quarter-century, we have represented, and won compensation for, many hundreds of vaccine-injured people from every state throughout the country.

Plus we represent vaccine-injured petitioners at all levels of proceeding. Our responsiblities include:

  • Trial work to establish that a vaccine injury has occurred,
  • Damage trials to establish the amount of compensation that is owed to the victim by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

And our extensive experience includes all levels of appeals for vaccine-injured petitioners...

  • Starting with many appeals to the United States Court of Federal Claims,
  • Then on to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit,
  • As well as the United States Supreme Court.

What Is the
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is a federal no-fault compensation program that pays victims when vaccination injuries occur. The program was created by Congress to replace the conventional lawsuit-based "tort" system so victims could get help faster.

Petitioners in the program do not sue the doctor who administered the vaccination, nor the drug company that made the vaccine.

Instead, petitions are filed in the United States Court of Federal Claims in Washington, DC. The department of Health and Human Services is then required to respond to each petition.

The money to pay vaccine injury claims comes from a trust fund financed by money collected from a surcharge paid by parents or individuals when they purchase vaccinations.

The amount of compensation paid varies in each case, depending on the person's past and expected future medical and rehabilitation needs, their past and future pain and suffering, plus lost wages — both past (where applicable) and future.

Important: Vaccine-injury cases are vigorously opposed and defended against by government legal teams from the United States Department of Justice. The program is highly adversarial, and proving a vaccine injury in this program is extremely complex.

That means if you or your loved one has suffered a vaccine injury, it is critically important that you be represented by an attorney who has decades of experience handling many hundreds of successful cases to make sure your case is presented correctly, accurately, and effectively.

Being represented by an attorney who lacks the long record of established, rock-solid experience is a risk you can't afford to take.

You'll feel the confidence you deserve when you have Richard Gage and his associates handling your case against the opposition you'll get from the US Government's own lawyers.

What Vaccines Are Covered?

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (also called the NVICP or VICP) covers injuries resulting from administration of any of the following vaccines, whether administered to children or adults:

  • Tetanus Toxoid, alone, or in combination with other vaccines (example: TT, Td)
  • Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis or any combination of Diphtheria, Tetanus Toxoid, and Pertussis (whooping cough) antigen-containing vaccines (example: DTP, DTaP, P, DTP-Hib)
  • Measles-Mumps-Rubella or any combination of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (German measles) virus-containing vaccines (example: MMR, MR, R)
  • Measles virus-containing vaccines, alone, or in combination with other vaccines (example: MMR, MR, M)
  • Rubella virus-containing vaccines, alone, or in combination with other vaccines (example: MMR, MR, R)
  • Polio inactivated virus-containing vaccines (IPV)
  • Polio live-virus-containing vaccines (OPV)
  • Hepatitis A vaccines (Hep A)
  • Hepatitis B vaccines (Hep B)
  • Hemophilus influenzae type b (otitis media) polysaccharide-conjugate vaccines (Hib)
  • Varicella (chicken pox) vaccines
  • Rotavirus vaccines containing live, oral, rhesus-based rotavirus
  • Pneumococcal (pneumonia) conjugate vaccines
  • Trivalent (adult flu) Influenza vaccines
  • Human Papillo virus HPV (Gardisil) vaccines

Do I Have To Pay Legal Fees?

All legal fees for your representation in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program are paid by the Vaccine Program. You will not be billed for our services. This is true whether you are compensated or not.

Also, no contingency fee will be charged.

All money awarded to your loved-one by this program is for their benefit.

In cases where a vaccination resulted in death, all money awarded is paid to the estate of the decedent.

Give Us A Call, Or Email Us

If you think you or a loved one is the victim of a vaccine injury, give us a call right away at (307) 433−8864, or email us at

Don't Miss An Important Deadline

Do not delay.

The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has very strict filing deadlines that must be met. If you miss a deadline, you also lose your right to seek compensation for your injury.

An Important Note about Law Licenses:

All attorneys practicing in local or state courts must be admitted to the bar in that state, then licensed by that state to practice law and represent clients in those courts.

Attorneys practicing under a state license are not allowed to represent vaccine-injury clients in the NVICP vaccine court unless they are also licensed by the Federal Government to practice in the US Court of Federal Claims.

They therefore cannot represent any client in any NVICP case unless they have the required federal license.

Attorneys licensed by the Federal Government to practice in the vaccine court are permitted to represent clients living in any state or US territory, whether licensed by that state or territory, or not.

Richard Gage is, and has been licensed to represent clients in your state ever since the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program went into effect in 1990, and was involved in vaccine law even before that.